Thursday, August 12, 2010

I was put on strict bed rest on Friday, July 9th, 2010!

I was so shocked and devastated when I was put on strict bed rest on Friday, July 9th, 2010! I had been having some high blood pressure for a few weeks but I figured I would be put on modified bed rest at some point, not strict bed rest! For those that may not know, strict bed rest is when you have to be laying down at all times. I am only supposed to be up to use the restroom and shower and can only sit up for 30 minutes three times a day to eat. Some people have to be in the hospital for their bed rest, so I am very thankful that I don't have to do that. Of course I am willing to do anything for our daughter, but I was just disappointed. I was 32.5 weeks when I was put on bed rest, so we still had so much to do to get ready for our lil "Sweet Pea!" I was so sad that Serg and my Mom would now totally have to do everything. 
Luckily my Mom and Serg took all of this in stride and immediately began doing everything for "Sweet Pea" and I! They have completely amazed me by how wonderful they have been! They both work so hard and overtime at their real jobs and then take care of everything for "Sweet Pea" and I when they aren't at work. They completely finished her nursery! Serg and I had picked out and bought her crib together and Serg spent hours putting it together all by himself! Then he got her a bookshelf and put that together, too! Then he painted my old furniture to go in her nursery! I can't believe it, but we are still using some of the furniture that was in my nursery 32 years ago! I think it's sweet that she has some things that were in her Mommy's nursery.

I thought when I saw Serg reading his "Expectant Father" books it was the cutest thing ever. Then when he spent hours putting her crib together, I thought that was even cuter. Now he has gone above and beyond finishing her entire nursery, putting together her bookshelf, putting up two borders, curtains, her bedding, and washing her clothes, blankets, washcloths, etc! I can't thank him enough for everything he has done for "Sweet Pea" and I!

My Mom has also come over to Austin from Houston almost every single weekend to help us! She is constantly cleaning, doing laundry, running errands, returning things and helping Serg get everything ready for the baby, etc! I don't know how she drives six hours every weekend...She and Serg continue to amaze me by how amazing they are! "Sweet Pea" and I love y'all so much and can never thank you enough for everything that you have done!!!

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