Saturday, January 29, 2011

Baby Reese Isabella's second month of life-September 28th-October 28th, 2010!!!

Okay, now I am going to try to update this blog with baby Reese Isabella's second-fourth months of life including our "family photo shoot" on October 30th, 2010, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's! Ah! I really should have kept up with this blog better earlier. Oh well, I'll just do the best I can now!
The second month of baby Reese Isabella's life was just as wonderful as the first and much easier! We were finally learning things better! Here are some of my very favorite pictures from baby Reese Isabella's second month of life-September 28th-October 28th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 1st, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 6th, 2010! 
Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 6th, 2010! 
Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 6th, 2010! 

Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 6th, 2010! 
Baby Reese Isabella looking EXACTLY like I did when I was a baby on October 6th, 2010! 
Baby Reese Isabella looking absolutely precious and just like her Dada on October 6th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella looking absolutely precious and just like her Dada on October 6th, 2010!
Baby Reese in her "Sweet Pea" onesie that our friends gave her at our baby shower cause we called her "Sweet Pea" when she was in utero! This picture was taken on October 9th, 2010!

Baby Reese in her "Sweet Pea" onesie that our friends gave her at our baby shower cause we called her "Sweet Pea" when she was in utero! This picture was taken on October 9th, 2010!

Baby Reese Isabella looking adorable on October 12th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella in her "Coming Home Outfit" than was too big to come home in, but here she is in it on October 16th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella in her "Coming Home Outfit" than was too big to come home in, but here she is in it on October 16th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella in her "Coming Home Outfit" than was too big to come home in, but here she is in it on October 16th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella asleep in her Dada's arms on October 18th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella asleep in her Dada's arms on October 18th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella looking oh so precious on October 19th, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella and her Dada on October 19th, 2010!

Baby Reese Isabella and her Dada on October 19th, 2010!

Baby Reese Isabella and her Dada on October 19th, 2010!

Baby Reese Isabella and her Dada on October 21st, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella on October 21st, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella being carried by her Dada in the Baby Bjorn on October 23rd, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella doing some "Tummy Time" on October 23rd, 2010!
Baby Reese Isabella doing some "Tummy Time" on October 23rd, 2010!

Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!
Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!
Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!

Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!

Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!
Baby Reese on her two month Birthday on October 28th, 2010!!!

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